Saturday, December 11, 2010

Your Love Never Fails

God's love just blooooooows my mind! The bible shows us in sooo many ways His relentless love for mankind. Despite the fall and despite how we FAIL Him (over and over again), His love for us never fails. This song captures exactly that.

Searching Heart

Slow down
Take a breath
Refuse to frown
Channel the faith
Someone will love you
One day you'll see
You're worth it too
You can be free

Let life embrace you
As you embrace it
It fights against you
But a race you can finish
With innermost strength
From within and without
The brokenness - He'll mend
Let frustration become shouts

Shouts of true praise
Bringing strongholds crashing down
Because our God reigns
Cast off your crowns
The hurt won't last
The pain has an end
Remove the mask
Let the venting begin

Slow down
Take a breath
Refuse to frown
Channel the faith
Someone does love you
One day you'll see
You're worth it too
You're already free

Seek Him

Something I wrote June 2008 that I discovered on hi5! (like no one uses hi5 anymore lol) Anyway, it ministered to me -- strange but, true. Maybe it will minister to you to:

If you are reading this, I am certain it is not by coincidence. Please don't take it lightly. God might just be speaking to you.

In the midst of our struggles, pain and concerns, we sometimes forget that we don't have to go through life all on our own. After a while of attempting to evade the truth, life can become pretty much about us - our titles, our fun, our needs, our sorrow, our pain, our goals.

Various things propel us into a state of self-gratification (I do what I want to do when I want to do it because it just feels good) - and it is only when we become desperate that we realize our need for something more than ourselves. I challenge everyone, as well as myself, to seek God before that point of desperation strikes.

Seek Him before you come to the end of your rope.

Seek Him before you get all the "pleasure" you can possibly get at the parties and sessions this summer.

Seek Him before tragedy strikes your household.

Seek Him before you become infected with AIDS, Hepatitis B or HPV etc.

Yes, sometimes these things serve as an alarm for you to realize you need to stop living the way you are. But it doesn't have to happen that way. Everyone will always say "that could never happen to me" until one day, it does.

Don't procrastinate until everything crashes down around you.


Many people cry out to God only when they're in trouble, or when they've already wasted their lives in sin and want to get right just before they die. I am in no way undermining these people because "better late than never" is true in this case. But what I am saying is, God wants more than for you to call Him only because you're desperate. He wants to be a part of your life. He desires to hear from you. He knows the things of your heart but, just to hear you expressing them to Him would delight Him. Because of His great love for you, He wants to heal your heart. He wants to lead you in every facet of your life. BUT you have to want Him to do it too - to the point where you're willing to give Him everything.

Our sin gets in the way of our walk with God and those who live in sin are not His children. God wants us to repent for choosing fleeting pleasure over the depth of a relationship with Him. It's not merely about "Choose God or go to hell" -- God has a purpose for your life, and He wants to use you as his coworker in reaching the people of this world. (2 Corinthians 6:1)

Make the sacrifice and remember your Creator in the days of your youth. (Ecclesiastes 12:1) It matters.

Something inside might just tell you you're not ready. Or wait until after summer because you've already made plans that God would not agree with. Or no matter how hard you try, you'll never change - you can never be free. Or the infamous one - Christianity is too BORING.

Friends, these are thoughts from the devil. He doesn't want to see you free so if he can convince you that you can't be free, you will never be free. I can tell you that freedom from sin IS possible. (John 8:36) God has set me free - he changed me in such a way that I still marvel at it now. He can set you free too. He made it all possible through Jesus who bore OUR sins in His body so that we could be free from sin. (1 John 1:9, Romans 10:9-10)

And the second you make that decision to reject sin and live for God, God begins to hold you in his hands and He will never let you go. For those of us who are in His hands but are discouraged, remember that all things work together for the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) Remain faithful